


Check if an object at a position, denoted as baseWorldCoord, is inside an area using insideArea.

struct Area {
  VoxelCoord lowerSouthwestCorner;
  VoxelCoord size;
function insideArea(Area memory area, VoxelCoord memory baseWorldCoord) pure returns (bool);


A build is a specific configuration of blocks in the world.

Check if a build in the world matches what was expected by calling buildExistsInWorld with the blueprint of the expected build, and the position of the actual build in the world.

Call buildWithPosExistsInWorld if the expected build exists in the world and at a specific desired position.

struct Build {
  uint8[] objectTypeIds;
  VoxelCoord[] relativePositions;
struct BuildWithPos {
  uint8[] objectTypeIds;
  VoxelCoord[] relativePositions;
  VoxelCoord baseWorldCoord;
function buildExistsInWorld(address biomeWorldAddress, Build memory buildData, VoxelCoord memory baseWorldCoord) returns (bool);
function buildWithPosExistsInWorld(address biomeWorldAddress, BuildWithPos memory buildData, VoxelCoord memory baseWorldCoord) returns (bool);

Entities (Avatars, Blocks, Items)

function getEntityAtCoord(VoxelCoord memory coord) view returns (bytes32); //Only Returns If That Area Has Been Called Procedural Generation On 
function getObjectType(bytes32 entityId) view returns (uint8);
function getPosition(bytes32 entityId) view returns (VoxelCoord memory);
function getObjectTypeAtCoord(address biomeWorldAddress, VoxelCoord memory coord) returns (uint8); //Always Returns Even If That Area Hasn't Been Called Procedural Generation On

Avatar and Player Details

function getEntityFromPlayer(address playerAddress) view returns (bytes32);
function getPlayerFromEntity(bytes32 entityId) view returns (address);
function getEquipped(bytes32 playerEntityId) view returns (bytes32);
function getHealth(bytes32 playerEntityId) view returns (uint16);
function getStamina(bytes32 playerEntityId) view returns (uint32);
function getIsLoggedOff(bytes32 playerEntityId) view returns (bool);
function getLastHitTime(bytes32 playerEntityId) view returns (uint256);

Player Inventory Details

function getInventoryObjects(bytes32 playerEntityId) view returns (uint8[] memory); //Returns all the object types in the player's inventory
function getInventoryTool(bytes32 playerEntityId) view returns (bytes32[] memory); //Returns only the tools in the player's inventory
function getCount(bytes32 playerEntityId, uint8 objectTypeId) view returns (uint16); //Returns how many of a certain object the player has in their inventory
function getNumSlotsUsed(bytes32 playerEntityId) view returns (uint16); //Returns the number of slots used in the player's inventory


function getNumUsesLeft(bytes32 toolEntityId) view returns (uint24); //Returns the number of times that tool can still be used