Client Getters


The Biomes client will periodically fetch these getter functions to display information about your experience to a player who has opted-in to your experience by registering your hooks.

Experience Details

//Name of Experience
function getDisplayName() external view returns (string memory);
//Optional: Dynamic Instructions to Show Player
function getStatus() external view returns (string memory);
//Optional: Timestamp When Game Starts or Ends
function getCountdownEndTimestamp() external view returns (uint256);
//Optional: Blocknumber Before Game Starts or Ends
function getCountdownEndBlock() external view returns (uint256);
//Optional: What Happens When Player Unregisters Hooks/Delegations
function getUnregisterMessage() external view returns (string memory);


//Avatars - Purple Beams Will Be Displayed On Them
function getAvatars() external view returns (bytes32[] memory);


struct Area {
  VoxelCoord lowerSouthwestCorner;
  VoxelCoord size;
struct NamedArea {
  string name;
  Area area;
//Areas - Red Borders Will Be Displayed Around Them
function getAreas() external view returns (NamedArea[] memory);


struct Build {
  uint8[] objectTypeIds;
  VoxelCoord[] relativePositions;
struct BuildWithPos {
  uint8[] objectTypeIds;
  VoxelCoord[] relativePositions;
  VoxelCoord baseWorldCoord;
struct NamedBuild {
  string name;
  Build build;
struct NamedBuildWithPos {
  string name;
  BuildWithPos build;
//Builds - Players Will Be Able To Place Their Outlines
function getBuilds() external view returns (NamedBuild[] memory);
//Builds Which Must Be Placed At A Specific Position
function getBuildsWithPos() external view returns (NamedBuildWithPos[] memory);